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How the PageRank algorithm works ?

11:01 PM James Thomas 3 Comments Category :

Suppose there is a link from page A to page B. The amount of “PageRank value” (also called link juice) that this link will pass depends on the PageRank of page A (i.e., the total value coming from the links pointing to page A), divided by the number of outgoing links on Page A.
As you can see, the total number of backlinks your site has only tells half of the story. The PageRank it will have will depend, in turn, on the PageRank of each page that is linking to you (and on the number of outgoing links on each of those pages).
In practical terms this means that getting a few backlinks from very authoritative sites will improve your PageRank much faster then getting hundreds of backlinks from low quality sites.
In fact I have experiences with both situations. I had some sites that I just promoted with links from low quality web directories, and despite having hundreds of backlinks some of these sites never got a PR1. On the other hand I also had a website that had only 10 backlinks and got a PR3 on an update. That’s because one of those links was coming from TechCrunch [PR8].
Moral of the story: get high quality backlinks.



  1. Page Rank is one of the determining factors that Google uses ensure that every search is clean and efficient. the main purpose of PageRank is to determine a given page’s importance or relevance by finding How many websites link back to a webpage and the quality of the sites linking to it. Usually, the more high quality a link of renowned websites are linking back to you… the better your page rank.
